Monoprix Bio Origines Bourbon vanilla artisanal ice cream 334g pot
Monoprix Bio Origines Bourbon vanilla artisanal ice cream 334g pot
0.334kg (21,47 € / kilo)
7,17 €
Description produit

Made in the Hautes-Alpes from organic French ingredients (whole milk, cream, egg yolks), organic Bourbon vanilla extract from Madagascar. This ice cream is the fruit of the artisanal know-how of a young, passionate SME, very invested in the local fabric, which has been honored for its societal, civic and responsible commitment. It is these simple and authentic values ​​at the service of taste that we wish to share with you.

Monoprix Bio
Lait entier*, crème*, sucre*, glucose atomisé*, jaune d'oeuf*, lait écrémé*, stabilisant : farine de graines de caroube*, infusion de gousses de vanille bourbon de Madagascar*, extrait de vanille* *produits issus de l'agriculture biologique
Type d'emballage
Monoprix Exploitation 14-16 rue Marc Bloch 92116 Clichy Cedex
Conseils de conservation
A conserver à -18(C, ne jamais recongeler un produit décongelé